Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Introduction: Me and my weird quirky obsession

My name is Brooke Flowers and I’m a mess. Now when I say I’m a mess I mean it guys. I’m emotional and insecure but at the same time I’m strong with a heart surrounded by ice. These differences are what make me….well me. I’m an Anthropology major which if you’re not aware of what that is would be the study of remains in order to understand our past and the past of our planet. Not really as interesting as one would think with the exception that one day I hope to unleash the mummy’s curse or an ancient disease from Atlantis that wipes out earth. The usual dream come true that every girl dreams about. So we are supposed to pick a topic to talk about that isn’t about the zombie apocalypse or death in large numbers and I guess I’ll pick something near and dear to my heart: Doctor Who. Doctor Who was supposed to air its first episode on the day that President John F. Kennedy was shot. It was of course postponed due to the tragedy. After that Doctor Who has been on air for fifty years. This show is double my age as of today (it is my 25th birthday today) and has touched millions. Millions tune in to be given that little bit of hope that the doctor represents. Whether he is fighting weeping angels or his own grief over the loss of his planet the doctor is one of my heroes. He makes anyone feel that they are special, wanted, and needed. Out of all the regeneration's of the Doctor, David Tennant is my favorite. With his Janis Joplin coat and vintage chucks he will one day be my husband. I know this is nerdy but one of these days I want to hear the sound of the T.A.R.D.I.S. and feel him take my hand and tell me to run.

(Doctors of the Modern Seasons)

50th Anniversary Special


  1. DOCTOR WHO: yes!!! I share your obsession, Brooke! I grew up on the Tom Baker Doctor Who, and so of course it has been thrilling to watch the show come back to life in the new series and thus pass the 50 year mark (yes, I am almost exactly as old as the Doctor.. not the character, but the show). My favorite of the new Doctors is Eccleston but I love them all. So I hope you will think about doing a Doctor-Who-style project for this class: the Doctor can intersect with all the mythology and legend traditions of the world, so you can combine him with any possible topic. And in the spirit of anthropology, do you know this video? I bet you will like it: PBS: Is Doctor Who a Religion? :-)

  2. Ha ha! I love Doctor Who too! I've actually got a poster of the 1oth Doctor in my room - the tardis glows in the dark! Some of my favorite Doctor Who episodes were ones where he goes back and messes around in earth's timeline. I think its fun to imagine ancient Roman or Egyptian myths cropping up because it was actually the Doctor messing around with humans. Well it's great to meet a fellow anthro student in this class and I hope you have blogging, I know I will!

  3. I would gladly fight you for David Tennant. I know moves you don't even know about! Ha-ha, Sorry. I'm just saying I absolutely love the show and I hope that you are excited about Pearl Mackie as I’m! I have yet to warm up to Capaldi, but it took me ages to do so with Smith. So, time will tell. He is a funny crotchety old man I have to say. What a great major you have! I often thought I should be an anthropology major to have the opportunity to unearth a hidden tomb, but I found the idea of housing those treasures to be just as satisfying. I find it so odd that we have so many similar tastes. You are going to discover items that will go into am museum (I have hopes to work in a museum), both obsessed with Doctor Who, both messes. Hmm...
